Literally defined, happiness is perceived to be nothing but an emotional condition of feeling good or pleased with anything. Among the other state of beings which are often associated with the feeling of happiness are joy, delight, sexual pleasure, safety, love, delight, and contentment.
There are innumerable things which may lead a person to attain happiness such as the smooth flow of personal relationships, a new promotion, a good marriage, winning in the lottery, an anticipated trip, and many others. It is vital for every individual to experience happiness rather than those of hatred, sorrow, displeasure, suffering, and pain.
Psychologists have recently rendered their formula for attaining happiness. Yes, they say that there is a formula which can be followed so that you may achieve happiness. It is clearly and simply stated as pleasure added up with engagement and then meaning which in turn results to happiness.
So what rationale is behind this formula for getting and experiencing happiness? What can you do to feel genuine happiness?
They say that it is very difficult to stay happy. Of course this is a fact because life offers so many problems to deal with everyday. But then you should note that problems can never be rid of. You need not become a psychologist yourself in order to fully apply the formula of happiness into your own life.
So what must you do to attain happiness?
The craving for pleasure comes as a natural thing for every person. These pleasures vary from the simplest to the most complex. You can find pleasure from seeing the beautiful sunrise that promises a good day, a lunch date, simple jokes, laughter, and many others. Among the larger scales of happiness can be found in love and success that you may experience. Engagement is another factor that drives you towards happiness.
If you are doing what your mind and heart desires, then you can surely find contentment and happiness. For sure you will not be happy when you are just forced to deal with something which you really don’t have your entire interest on. These elements then lead to the meaning in your life.
There is nothing more important than having a sense of belongingness and feeling that your existence matters to other individuals. Feeling that you are valued and that your worth is recognized by people certainly makes your life more meaningful and far from being dreaded.
Genuine happiness can only be felt when you know how to value your existence and you know how to realize and give due importance to the worth of other people. Happiness is not being self-centered. Happiness is obviously not a thing of being perfect in the eyes of many.
Psychologists claim that the reason behind why people tend to find difficulty in attaining happiness is because of being overly focused on what he or she should be simply because it is what the people and the society expects of him or her.
Happiness, in its real sense, is a thing of loving and impressing yourself and not other individuals. If you have balance in your life and if you are at peace with yourself, then happiness will certainly find its way into your heart.