Self-esteem is how one views him/herself, either positively or negatively. And there are fun activities to help improve ones sel esteem.
A person who has a healthy self-esteem is one who views things in a positive way. Although development of self-esteem should generally start from childhood, it is never too late to correct past mistakes and try to develop this in adulthood.
There are many ways through which self-esteem can be raised. One can either opt to go to a seminar or seek professional help, one can opt to read books on self-esteem as there are various or one can get involved in self-esteem activities. There are a lot of activities and below are two fun activities that can help bolster self-esteem:
A. Brochure About Me
The objective of this activity is to bolster participants’ self-esteem and to encourage them to give and receive positive feedback. This self-esteem activity is ideal for groups of four to twenty-five. Materials needed are a sheet of paper, box of markers or crayons and one paper clip per participant.
The paper to use should be colored. This is to be folded into three segments, just like a tri-fold brochure. On the front flap, ask the participants to write down their names. They can write it any way they want. Ask them to be creative. When they are done with this, on the inside of the brochure, ask them to write down specific categories which they are to fill up.
The categories should be anything that would make them notice positive things about themselves. These questions can be, “Things I’m good at”, or” My special talents”, or “Things I like about myself”, “My greatest achievement”, “What makes me happy”, and so on.
Encourage them to feel free to write anything they want and assure them that no one will read what is written inside the brochure but them. When they are done writing, have them fold the brochure and paper clip it shut.
Next, ask the participants to pass their brochure to the person beside them. The recipient would then write down positive things about the person who owns the brochure. If the recipient doesn’t know the person very well from whom the brochure belongs to, he or she may opt to say general things such as “I think you have great eyes.”
The goal is for everyone to put in a comment. Continue doing this until everyone has written on the brochures. It would be best to have the participants sit in a circle so it would be easier to monitor the activity.
After this, give the participants about five minutes to read their brochures. Then discuss how they felt about the activity. How they felt about receiving and giving compliments. The participants may keep their brochures so they can go over it again if they are having a bad day.
B. Special Candy Game
The objective of the game is to help participants find positive things about themselves and also to find things they have in common with other people. This game is ideal for groups of five to fifteen.
Have the participants sit in a circle, then give each one of them ten candies. Go around the circle and point to a person and ask him or her to name one positive trait that he or she has. Anyone among the group who doesn’t have the same ability will throw one candy at that person. The idea is to ensure that the participants have the same if not almost the same number of candies.