Are You Maximizing Your Personal Talents?

Have you ever thought about what it would take for you to become more satisfied in life… In other words, how you could really enjoy your life more than ever before? Think about this… Discovering your personal talents can go a long way toward building joy and satisfaction!

Now, here are a couple of additional questions to ask yourself…

  • In an ideal world, what would you do for a living?
  • How would you spend your free time?
  • And how much free time would you have?

If the answers to those questions differ from what you’re doing now or how you live your life, perhaps you need to assess your situation more thoroughly and make some changes to your life.

No matter how you answered those questions, I hope you’ll take a few moments to download and read this special assessment – it has the potential to be the impetus for a new, more fulfilling life – and it won’t cost you a penny!

Get it here: Download Your Free Assessment Here.

Now, Let’s continue with our discussion of personal talents…

Here is one of  Brian Tracy’s favorite quotes for you to think about…

Do you value life? Then waste not time, for that is the stuff of which life is made.

Yes, we all know that time is definitely limited. Therefore, it makes sense to say that time really is the currency of life. Whatever you attain in your life is actually valued based on the amount of time involved in obtaining it.

This means we don’t want to waste our time on tasks that send us around in circles and gets us nowhere at all.

This also means,  you can only fully realize great satisfaction and enjoyment in everything you do by…

  1. Discovering your innate strengths

  2. Developing your personal talents…

  3. And then taking advantage of them to their highest degree possible

This way, you can increase your personal “return on energy” as opposed to “return on equity.” Brian believes your most valuable gift is your ability to think, act and get results.

Let’s take a look at…

7 Ways to Maximize Your Personal Talents

  1. Try New Things Everyday or Each Week…
    Stop Sitting Around Waiting for Your Talents to Magically Appear

    How will you ever know what your good at or what you really enjoy if you haven’t tried it out. If you limit your activities to just what you know, you won’t ever have a chance to expand your capabilities. Try out creative, artistic, athletic and personal abilities until you discover things you really are naturally good at and don’t forget to check out ones you find oh so enjoyable.
    Do writing exercises where you write down things you already know you can do well or would like to possibly explore. This way you’ll be better able to examine abilities that may enhance other talents you might not have thought about.

  2. Focus on Your Own Abilities…
    Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

    This exercise is for focusing on yourself not others. Many people use comparisons to stop themselves from moving forward. You may not be as good as them now… But look out world. Put your mind and body into it and your time will come.
    However, it’s important to find people that you can look up to within the same realm so you can learn form them and be inspired by their abilities. This can help you grow and expand your own knowledge and abilities. We all need mentors to get to the top of our game!

  3. Pay Attention to Activities That You Have Always Been Drawn To…
    Things You Feel Totally Passionate About

    What are the subjects that everyone around you knows you will bring up in discussion time and time again. This can take some work. You may love football but not have the ability or desire to play the game. Really think about it… What else could you do to take advantage of this passion without becoming a professional athlete? These ideas will most likely not be readily available. Ask for ideas from family and friends. Brainstorm ideas for yourself and write everything down no matter how silly or outrageous.

  4. Develop Your Most Important Talents And Ideas…
    Try Out The Talents and Ideas You Have Now Discovered

    Try out several ideas to see how they fit for you. Get special training, education or whatever is needed to learn and practice the skills necessary to fully develop the talents that really stand out and feel just right for you. Most likely this is going to take time, effort and even financial investments. Make sure you set realistic goals and time frames to reach your goals. Get the help you need to motivate you and keep you on track.

  5.  Believe in Yourself…
    And Celebrate Your Small Successes

    Focus on baby steps and celebrate at set milestones all along the way. Don’t just wait until you reach the final goal. You need motivation to keep moving forward.

  6. Connect With Other Talented People…
    In Your Own Area of Passion or Others

    People focused on their goals and working hard toward a passion can be a great inspiration to you. And you to them as well. You know… Birds of a feather, flock together. They may or may not be from the same area of passion. It doesn’t matter. Learn and grow from each other.

  7. Use Failures as Motivation to Keep Moving… And Never, Ever Give Up

    You will have setbacks when developing your personal talents and yes, failures as some people call them. I believe there are no failures… Only learning. Learn from your mistakes and keep going. You will get there and it will be worth it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say!


Now, Click Here to check out our article on the 14-Day Challenge.