Rome wasn’t built in a day, as the popular saying goes. Thus, if we want to reap the benefits and enjoy what our self improvement efforts can bring, we must learn to be patient. The process of self improvement doesn’t happen overnight. Remember, that personal and career changes take some time to get used to and some degree of adjustment on our part; so we should never seek to force ourselves to adapt immediately, or these efforts will end up in vain.

The self improvement process, as with any other undertaking in this world, involves steps and levels that will not likely be attained without the accomplishment of their preceding steps. As adults, we find it difficult to adjust to changes at once, because we’ve already been oriented to a particular way of doing and seeing things. It doesn’t mean that this is impossible. It simply entails that reaching the final stage of the self improvement process requires discipline, patience and persistence.

If we truly want to get ahead in life, we have to accept that sacrifices will have to be made. For instance, if we choose to join an Alcoholics Anonymous support group, we must exercise maximum discipline to stay away from the ‘enemy’. We should make every effort to avoid situations that place us in a position where choice becomes very difficult and try to stay on course by always repeating the benefits of the endeavor to ourselves.

Self improvement doesn’t happen with simply deciding that we want to improve. We have to act on this ‘want’ and turn it into a ‘need’. Saying that we want to improve should just be the start of this challenging process.

The basic self improvement process consists of three steps:

  1. Deciding that we want to improve
  2. Acting on it
  3. Maintaining the goal

For the self improvement process to really work, we must have good follow through. If we merely act on it and then change our minds, or fail to maintain our efforts, it would be like we never sought to achieve anything, at all. Keeping our eyes on the goal at all times is key. Self improvement doesn’t stop when something is achieved. It’s a continuous process.

Nobody ever said getting ahead in life was easy. Your journey will surely be met with difficulty, not just based on external factors, but also from yourself. If you really want to improve your life, you must realize that your biggest enemy will be yourself – which is, ironically, the more difficult part to conquer. However, if you set your mind and heart into your goal and convince yourself that though the path is rocky there is a great reward waiting at the finish line, you will be able to survive and thrive.

Life is a challenge. Conquering your inner apprehensions and fears will make this journey much more challenging. However, it won’t be so if you believe enough that you can do it. The process of self improvement is tedious, but very rewarding once you surpass the glitches. Keep a positive mind at all times.