Self-esteem is very important in a person’s life so much so that low self-esteem can affect how we function on a daily basis. Self esteem actually decides what an individual will do or how well they perform. Self-esteem literally means how a person looks at himself or herself.

People with high self-esteem may be very successful in life because they perceive themselves as successful and capable. Those who have a high self-esteem trust their own selves so that they can get the job done. However, not all people trust themselves and their capabilities. These people have low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem will eventually take its toll on you.

Description of low self esteem…

Usually, you perceive yourself as someone who is quiet and shy most of the time, sometimes to the point that you think of yourself as the lowest of the low. You don’t believe in your talents or allow yourself to even do things that you really can do. In fact you just stay quiet about your abilities even though you know, in your heart of hearts, that you can do it.

If these things describe you, then you’re likely affected by low self-esteem that pushes you to question your capability to perform certain tasks and you probably lack the confidence to push through and accomplish what you want out of life.

Low self-esteem actually controls and holds you down. It prevents you from doing something that you can actually perform successully. It also prevents you from achieving great things in life.

When you were born, you weren’t born with low self-esteem. It’s not innate. It gets developed through hardships and trials. Some events may lead to your losing your confidence. These said events are most usually traumatic and stick inside your head, which is the reason why you tend to lose your self-esteem little by little over the years.

Instances like getting humiliated in public, or making a bad decision that cost you something that was precious or very significant to you set in motion the downward spiral of low self-esteem. Basically, no one has low self-esteem at birth, nor a high one that matter, but it’s our experiences that determine whether we will be having high or low self esteem.

Once your self-esteem is lost, does that conclude that you are never ever going to have high self-esteem again? The answer is no. You can actually regain it. If you have a low self-esteem because of previous bad experiences, one thing that can help to conquer this problem is to face certain bad experiences and turn turn them into good ones.

In order for this to work, you need focus on a situation and turn it into something that is more productive. In that way, every time you encounter that experience, or any other event that is closely related to the aforementioned, what you will remember from it is the good thing and not the bad feeling you have been carrying around with you.

You must always keep in mind that you should protect your self-esteem. And you must also remember to teach your children to value themselves and their own abilities in order for them to be able to conserve their self-esteem. You should instill in them confidence to face each day with their heads up high, because low self-esteem or lack of confidence will have a negative affect on the kind of a person they will become.

Low self-esteem will hold people down from showing their real potential. Remember, if you have low self-esteem, you should work to overcome it as much as possible. You may never know what you can do if you don’t have the confidence to accomplish your dreams.