When children first get exposed to a group setting, like that of pre-school or a play area where there are lots of other kids, it isn’t a surprise if they suddenly buckle down and turn shy. Often you, as a parent, will have to coerce the child to mingle. What parent would want a social wallflower for a child, right?

A lot of parents encounter this problem of having to almost push their kids into a play group just so they would socialize. More often than not, this strategy ends not with a nod of agreement from the kid, but an afternoon of bawling.

If you’ve nurtured your child’s self esteem early on, socializing will not be a much of a problem for him or her. In fact, if you’ve taught your child not to be afraid of other kids, to believe that he or she can do many things and that taking risks are a part of life, your child will be much better equiped for dealing with all social situations.

Most kids are hesitant to go out into the world and prefer to hide under their parents’ guidance. However, as they get older, this kind of attitude is not something you should encourage. Your youngster has to learn to be independent at some point. You will be much more assured that your child will be fine if you arm him or her with self esteem.

Here are some tips for building self esteem in children

a. Encourage them to step out of their comfort zone.

kids that are too sheltered,  that parents are always always there to do things for and continually protect from the lessons of life, are more prone to standing in the corner, not take risks and cry when something out of their routine happens. Give your children variety and allow them to explore life possibilities. Expose him to new ideas and allow him to wander.

b. Realize that you can’t protect your child forever.

The only way for kids to effectively learn and adapt to life’s harsh realities is if we allow them to make mistakes. While we don’t want to see our kids get hurt and disappointed, failure is often necessary in order for them to learn how to cope. Mistakes are a natural part of life. No matter how hard you try to shield them from error, children will inevitably face the mat some point in their lives.

c. Leave him to his element.

Don’t force what you want on your child. She was not born to fulfill the dreams you weren’t able to reach. Let her develop into the person she is meant to be, with you just staying in the sidelines to guide her along the way. Accept that your child has her own identity. Let her grow and flourish at her own pace and in her own time.

The above are just a few of the things that you can do to boost your child’s self esteem. You have to first believe in your child’s ability to think for himself before you can convince him that he can do it. How high your kid’s self esteem can reach will depend on your encouragement.

Parenting is a difficult job and there is no single and clear-cut way to emerge victorious. However, you will already feel as if you have succeeded if your child is confident enough to face the world.