When it comes to anger management information knowing the differing types of anger can go a long way toward understanding it. Even though the expression of anger differs quite a lot from one person to another in the way we each feel and the way we each express it there are some similarities that can be explained.

Yes, some of us can handle it quite appropriately while others can’t handle it at all but here are 12 general categories to help you better understand this quite baffling emotion.

1. Aggressive Anger

When the person experiences aggressive anger, he tends to get out of control easily and tends to confront the subject of his anger immediately. This is usually another person but could be an object or animal. Defiance, physical harm, and trouble making are the normal ways of behaving for someone expressing aggressive anger.

2. Chronic Anger

Those experiencing chronic anger usually have no definite reason to become angry at all. they just hate themselves,& their life, the people next to them, the people around them, the situation they’re in, and just the world in general. They seem to just walk around angry all of the time.

3. Constructive Anger

These types of people want to do something with their anger that will be of benefit to others. They work for a cause or promote important changes to right the wrongs that they feel angry about. Fighting against world hunger or saving an endangered species are examples of this type of anger. They want to join a group or some kind of movement to create positive change.

4. Deliberate Anger

This type of anger usually occurs to a person who wants to take control over things, situations or groups. A person who uses this anger wants to have power, however, anger normally subsides if he feels that he can’t gain control over things, usually due to opposition by another person.

5. Judgmental Anger

A person with this type of anger expresses his emotion by putting down other people or humiliating others’ abilities in front of other people. He would try to show his superiority in these ways.

6. Overwhelming Anger

A person who doesn’t like the situation he is in or feels trapped expresses this type of anger. To get out of this uncomfortable situation, he usually finds ways to relieve the pain or stress, usually by hurting himself or other people verbally or physically.

7. Paranoid Anger

Anger of this kind results in hating other people even if they don’t do or take away anything from him. They operate out of fear. A person with paranoid anger is generally jealous and intimated by others.

8. Passive Anger

A person who feels this kind of anger doesn’t show his anger directly. He doesn’t ever confront his anger at all. He often uses other ways to express it in order to always come out looking like the victim. These include using sarcasm or offensive words towards the subject, and treating the subject differently. This is also described as “spitting in someone’s soup.”

9. Retaliatory Anger

This is the most common type of anger among men. It usually occurs when a person becomes angry because another person is angry with him.

10. Self-inflicted Anger

The consequence of this type of anger is that the person experiencing it tends to hurt himself with a certain thing such as cutting their arms, committing suicide or even an eating disorder. A person with this type of anger punishes him/herself as they turn the anger inward.

11. Verbal Anger

This anger is expressed merely by words. The person with this type of anger speaks insulting words to the subject of his anger.

12. Volatile Anger

This type of anger is expressed either by physical assault or verbal abuse. But different from other types of anger, this type easily comes and goes. The level of anger also varies from mild to rage. It may explode suddenly or may pass away unnoticed. The magnitude and the duration of this anger depend on how the person handles it. They’re very unpredictable.

Having this type of anger management information helps you to identify what kind of anger you possess and what types you’re dealing with in your everyday life. Remember, these categories are just for informational purposes. They aren’t set in stone and many can overlap one into the other.

Once you have this anger management information, it’s now time to determine if you do indeed need to seek help in dealing with your type of anger.